We travel to Maui regularly and Lilikoi hot sauce has become my secret fish taco ingredient.
My husband’s parents visited Hawaii a few years ago and brought a bottle of your sauce back with them. I loved it so much I found your website and have been ordering it for myself ever since. I put it on tacos and quesadillas, it is excellent on macaroni and cheese, and many other “comfort” foods. My husband even uses it sometimes to spice up mixed drinks!
Thank you so much for this product!
We add it to all kinds of recipes, BBQ rib sauce etc… It’s amazing!
I was in Hana during the Taro Festival and bought some sauce and some of the BBQ rub…we ran out, so I needed to get some more. I can’t wait!
Aloha Alex. We came across Hana Hotties the 1st time in Hana and the 2nd time in Lahaina. We all love the product. My son is getting a case of it for his birthday.
We were on Maui last summer and bought some of the hot sauces back home with us. My husband loves the habanero hot sauce.
When we were flying home the airport took my mustard and one of my sauces, because they were open (my bad), anyway I told the lady to take them home with her, and not throw them away, because they’re too good! I told her I would just eat them on the spot. She laughed and said she never had anyone offer to drink hot sauce rather than throw it away before. I told her if she tried it, she would understand 😉 Thanks again.
Aloha Alex Kim,
Found the spice rub at Mana Foods in Paia, while vacationing. Loved it on everything and wanted some more for gifts. Saw the hot sauce on your website. Thanks,
I love it so! Thanks for a wonderful hot sauce, Alex!!
While visiting Maui, we went to Swap Meet Market at the Maui Community College grounds on Saturday September 24th, 2011. At the swap meet there was a vendor that carried your products. I got to sample some so I purchased the Papaya Hot sauce and fell in love with it. Had I known that the grocery market in Hana carried your brand I would have purchased more for home the day we traveled the road to Hana…….This is how I decided to try to get them shipped to my home in Phoenix, Arizona.
Thank you! I was in Hana during the Taro Festival and bought some sauce and some of the BBQ rub…we ran out, so I needed to get some more. I can’t wait!
In Hana we went to the General store in town and since I like spicy sauces like Tabasco I was very intrigued by the Pineapple flavored one they had there so I picked up a bottle. I knew I should’ve just bought more while I was there but I slept on it. Once I got home, there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t put the sauce on, chicken, pizza, etc. Love it!
Hi Alex:
It was great meeting you @ the Maui Swap Meet in Kahului last month. I was really impressed with your hot sauces at the booth and so I took a few bottles home with me to Vancouver, Canada. I am a bit of a hot-sauce connoisseur and I was very impressed with your take on hot sauces. Fresh fruit (Mango/Papaya) combined with fresh chili peppers and whatever creativity goes into this. Ultimately, this translates into a perfect blend of sweetness and hotness for the most heavenly hot sauce I have ever tasted. If anyone is looking for a reference whether these sauces are great you can count me in. I will definitely be ordering more (and some extras for friends)… as you cannot get this type of hot sauce anywhere else. Well done and continued success with your Hot Sauce business. Cheers,
Aloha mai Alex,
We’re from Maui and moved to the mainland last year. We used to buy your hot sauce at Rodeo and at Mana. Lilikoi/guava is our favorite. We always pick up a few bottles when we come home to visit, but we couldn’t find enough over the holidays so we’re ordering online now. Keep up the good work! Mahalo,
I was in maui 2 months ago and bought the spice in a little town by mamas fish house. I love the spice and use it on everything. Mahalo,
Aloha Alex,
I’m not sure where I first had HanaHotties Hot Sauce I lived and worked on Maui for 9 years until last November. I’m just glad I can still order and enjoy the products. Aloha,
Aloha Alex,
I purchased a bottle of HannaHotties pineapple sauce last May at Hasegawa’s for my husband when my daughter and I were camping at the park. He thought it was wonderful and consumed the bottle in short order. The order is for a Christmas gift. Mahalo,
Aloha Alex,
Yeah, my wife and I picked up a bottle at the aloha stadium swap meet last summer… We loved it, and wished we had bought way more than one bottle. We have been meaning to order more ever since, today I finally did. Looking forward to having it on hand again…. It’s so good. Thanks!
We were on Maui in February and purchased some of the Maui Gold at the stand along the Hana Highway …. It was a big hit, so had to get more.
I came across your Hana Hotties Hot Sauce last summer when I was on a discovery tour of Hana, I cannot remember the guys name but it was a garden nursery and he had a little shop. The sauce is absolutely amazing, and I am HOOKED! Thanks! For whatever it’s worth, . May you have many more international orders … You deserve it – you make great sauce! Mahalo very much, I do appreciate it!
Aloha alex,
a note to thank you for your wonderful sauces… we immediately baked some fish after marinating in the lilkoi guava for awile – delicious! needless to say, the rest won’t last long in our house:) mahalo for your great example of clean, organic living with lots of aloha and sunshine lovingly contained in a jar! have a beautiful weekend ahead, Aloha.
Hi Alex,
Would like to order one bottle of each of the Pineapple, Passion Fruit, Mango and Papaya hot sauce. Funny thing is my sister does live in Pukalani and my niece always says things what is on Maui. Funny how she spoke of a hot sauce but I never did think anything about it. After trying your hot sauce( I believe this is good stuff), …. I do believe your hot sauce can be a big hit as many hot sauces just has heat but no flavor. I think this product is different. Mahalo,
I went to Maui on vacation about a month ago. I went to Flatbread for my first time and noticed the hot sauce on the table. I don’t usually eat hot sauce with my pizza, But the label was eye catching and the ingredients were mouth watering. It only took one bite and I was in love. I asked the waitress when she came over if they sold the hot sauce there and she said no but directed me to Manna’s. I got to Manna’s and noticed the different varieties. I bought 10 bottles(2 of each) One of each for me and the rest for gifts to bring a little something special from the island. I plan on buying it by the case ….. All I can say is THANK yOU!!!! This truly is in my opinion the BEST hot sauce. LOVE IT!
Your hot sauce was a major hit last night. We served coconut shrimp and some vegetable spring rolls, and we had to replenish the bottles a few times. That’s a few bottles for 65 people so they were sucking it down. Thanks again for meeting with me and I look forward to continued business with you.
Hi Alex,
My girlfriend and I vacationed in Maui in the past few weeks and drove to Hana. We stopped on the way home at a fruit and baked goods stand and met you. You suggested the mango hot sauce so I gave it a try … I loved it. So I thought I’d try them all. Oh, and by the way, your friend makes the best chocolate chip banana bread I ever ate – I think it was half gone by the time we got back to the hotel! Take care and I’m sure you’ll see orders from me in the future.